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Louise Agnew

Australian photographer

S2 Ep41

Louise Agnew

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Louise Agnew is a photographer based in Millicent, SA mother of 3 children.

Louise came to photography professionally 10 years ago after a career in psychology and social work, after the urge for a creative outlet took over.

Louise loves capturing the relationship between mothers and their children, and is a champion of encouraging mums to get out from behind the cameras and into the photos! Her candid style and genuine relationships forged with her clients has made Louise a local favourite, cemented by the many community collaborations she takes on.

Today we chat about how Louise was able to make a big shift in her mindset and identity around mothering, body image and the media and the high value she places on having a therapist you can talk to.

You'll also hear some chatter with her 8 month old son George :)

**This discussion contains mentions of mental health issues**

Connect with Louise - website / instagram

Connect with the Podcast - website / instagram

We also mention :

Mamma Matters

Dr Sophie Brock

Music used in this episode is done so with permission from Alemjo

When chatting to my guests I greatly appreciate their openness and honestly in sharing their stories. If at any stage their information is found to be incorrect, the podcast bears no responsibility for guests' inaccuracies.

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Podcast transcript at the bottom of the page

Thank you so much for tuning in to this episode of The Art of Being A Mum Podcast. I'm beyond honoured that you're here and would be grateful if you could take 2 minutes to leave me a 5-star review in iTunes or wherever you are listening. It really helps! This way together we can inspire, connect and bring in to the light even more stories from creative mums. Want to connect? Take a screenshot of this episode and share it on Instagram tagging me in with @art_of_being_a_mum_podcast

I can't wait to connect. And remember if you or somebody you know would like to be a guest on the podcast, get in touch! I love meeting and chatting to mammas from all creative backgrounds, from all around the world!


Thank you!


Alison acknowledges this Land of the Berrin (Mount Gambier) Region as the Traditional Lands of the Bungandidj People and acknowledge these First Nations people as the custodians of the Region.


Welcome to the Art of Being a mum, the podcast where we hear from mothers who were artists and creators sharing their joys and issues around trying to be a mother and continue to make art. Regular topics include mum guilt, identity, the day to day juggle mental health, and how children manifest in their art. My name is Alison Newman. I'm a singer songwriter, and a mum of two boys from regional South Australia. I have a passion for mental wellness, and a background in early childhood education. You can find links to my guests and topics they discuss in the show notes, along with music played a link to follow the podcast on Instagram, and how to get in touch. All music used on the podcast he's done so with permission. The art of being a mom acknowledges the bone tech people as the traditional custodians of the land and water, which this podcast is recorded on and pays respects to the relationship the traditional owners have with the land and water as well as acknowledging past present and emerging elders.

Thanks so much for joining me today. My guest on the podcast is Louise Agnew. The Waze is a photographer based in Millicent South Australia and a mum of three children. Louise came to photography professionally 10 years ago, after a career in psychology and social work, after the urge for a creative outlet just took over. Louise loves capturing the relationship between mothers and their children, and is a champion of encouraging moms to get out from behind the cameras and into the photos. Her candid style and genuine relationships forged with her clients has made Louise a local favorite, cemented by the many community collaborations she takes on. Today we chat about how Louise was able to make a big shift in her mindset, and her identity around mothering body image and the media and the high value she places on having a therapist she can chat to. You'll also hear some chatter with her seven month old son George. This discussion contains mentions of mental health issues. Thanks so much for coming on today. Louise. It's such a pleasure to have you.

Thank you for having me.

Yeah, so you're well I shouldn't say you from Gambia. You're in Millicent, aren't

you? Yes, I did. I grew up in that Gambia moved away, went to uni. And then didn't think I'd ever moved back but met a local tantan oh boy in Adelaide, and we moved back lived in them out for I don't even know how long, eight years, 10 years or something. And then we only just moved to Millicent about six months ago, maybe? Yeah. Six to 12 months ago. I've lost my marbles. Were

very good. So you're a photographer? Can you tell us a little bit a bit about sort of how you got started and the sort of style of photography that you like to do? Yep.

So I've been shooting for probably over 10 years now, professionally, but it probably started well. I mean, I've always sort of was the person with a camera in their hand. My whole life pretty much. I've always enjoyed it. But basically, yeah, so I went to uni, studied psychology, and then went on and did my masters in social work. So I was working in that field, and absolutely love the work I did, but then also needed that creative outlet as well, which is where I was doing my photography. And eventually, it sort of took over or didn't take over. But I had to share my time across two jobs, basically. And one of them had to give so yeah, I went with the photography.

Yeah. So do you do all styles of photography like weddings and portraits and

so I used to do weddings. And then if we're talking about being a mother, once I had children, it became quite difficult for me. I would have people wanting to book two years in advance, and I did you know, in that baby making phase of my life and I thought I want to cancel on people. And then I did take on a last minute request for a wedding. After I had my firstborn Rosie and I think I don't know how old she was somewhere between six and 12 months. But I was still breastfeeding and said I can do it but you'll have to be okay with because she wouldn't take a bottle. Mom had to drive her out to this wedding and it was 40 something degrees. She was sitting in the car waiting for a fee. The wedding was running late. And I went out and feta and I I thought Nope, this is like I loved the work. But it just wasn't. It's not the time of my life at the moment. So I'm still not doing weddings. So my main focus is families and businesses. And I really love to capture motherhood, actually, which. Yeah, I think that passion sort of began has begun since becoming a mum myself. Yeah.

Do you think a bit of that I noticed, obviously, follow you on Instagram? There's this sort of, you seem to have a sort of push for the mums to make sure they're in the photos to that it's sort of Yes. Seem to be always the ones taking the photos, but

they're not. Absolutely. And I think we always have these excuses for all the reasons that we shouldn't be in the photographs, you know, like, I need to lose more weight, or we will, that's the biggest one. But you know, there's always something behind the reason that you Oh, wait till this child is older, or we might have another child, so we should wait until that child's born. You know, it's it's that classic, self sacrificial thing that mothers do. Yeah. Thinking that they don't deserve to be in photographs. But I know when I look back at photographs of myself, you know, four years ago with Rosie and I was a very different look at that stage in my life. You know, I don't hate those photographs. I'm so glad to see. I mean, my favorite thing to capture is that connection that mums have with their children. And that's what I think I look back on and reflect on when I looked at the photos of myself. Not judging. Not judging myself. Yeah. Yeah. easy thing to do at the time, I think but it's more about having that history record of how things were when the kids were tiny or, or bigger.

Yeah, absolutely. Yeah. And maybe it's so hard to to get past that initial. Oh, geez, look at me in that photo. Oh, you know, stuff. It's like, look, look past that and see, see it for what it is, it's a mother with their child and they have a great relationship different. It's a great memory to have.

Yeah, it is and I think to these days, because nine times out of 10 The reason that we're in a photograph is because we've taken a selfie with our children not an actual stand over there and capture and so the way that we perceive ourselves with filters and then having such control over how you can make yourself look on an iPhone with your reverse camera on shooting a selfie. It can be confronting sometimes to see so if for how the whole world sees you know, yeah, when you lose that control, don't have the filter you know, overhead angles.

Yeah, that's it looks looks good for me. Yeah, yeah. That's my classic one. Whenever people take photos make sure you're ever beaten highest. The way you like to show is quite candid. Then you like to capture people just in the moment. Do you do a lot of outdoor or studio? What's your sort of main preference?

Mostly outdoor. I really love shooting in the golden hour. Either early in the morning or late at night late at night tends to be the guy and often people freak out and think Oh, my kids are gonna you know, they're not really good. But I think I love that wildness of children. I don't want them to sit there like little statues being you know. Yeah, I don't that studio style is probably not my thing so much. I mean, some there's a time and place for it. You know when I'm taking headshots or newborns are a bit different because you don't want the kids being wild around a newborn too much. So, but at the moment since moving to Milton, I don't actually have a studio anymore. So I'm definitely yeah, definitely not a studio at the moment. Yeah, I don't really have this new obsession with film and the nostalgia that I don't know. I recently borrowed a camera from another photographer and shot some film on there. And I don't know I just Yeah, I love that. That's probably my current feel. I think in my images, that nostalgic feel.

Yeah, right. And does that then mean that you basically what you shoot is what you get like it's not. Can you study match? Yeah, I

just sent my first roll off the other day. So it could be a disaster because you initial feedback. I've no idea

reminds me of my wedding I had mine was shot on film. And it was like, it just feels like the olden days when, like,

yeah. I was taking a photo of Rosie and she was like, Can I see it? And I was like, No, you can't, like not till we finish this role, send it off. Like there's a real, I think current generation don't know how to wait. And I'm guilty of that too. Not just not just kids. We want everything now. It's like, No, you have to wait for something magic in that, I

think. Yeah, it's like, it's like when you go out as a teenager, and I'm not sure there's might be a bit of age difference between you and I but you take your little pin taxi out to shadows and then have to wait to see. Like, yeah,

no, I will cameras out. Yeah. And then you think oh, what is going to come back on this field or this farm system and judge me?

You've briefly mentioned your children a little bit. Can you tell us more about your children? How many others that you have for Rosie? Yes.

So yeah, so Rosie is nearly five. She's just started Primary School. Patrick, or as we call him, Patti. He doesn't even really know that. His name's Patrick. He is two and a half. And George is seven months.

Yeah. nearly eight months. Yep.

So he's the new the new section. He's the newest and the final addition to kids, his two kids, but three kids is 20 or something. And it's very true. The scales for us.

Oh, goodness. So you use your children a lot as your inspiration I guess in your work? Yeah,

I do. Yeah. If I want to try something new, or you know, I'll often take one of the kids out and, you know, play around with white or? Yeah, a new style of editing or whatever it might be. Yeah. And they're bright. I was

gonna say Do they enjoy that? Like with Rosie asking if she gets tired, obviously used to.

Yeah, the feedback. And I do respect them. Like if they don't want to, then I won't. Yeah, and I always ask, but because my style was very candid, too. Sometimes they might just be out running under the sprinkler or you know, just not doing anything. And yeah, they love seeing them. Love seeing the photos that I've taken afterwards.

Oh, that's so cool. Yeah. So with with the three Now you mentioned not being able to your weddings, how does it sort of work? I mean, I guess you're still on maternity leave with George. But how's it worked with the other children going back to work, but trying to fit that in

some? It's interesting. So I have gone back to work now officially. GEORGE We start childcare in about two months, which breaks my heart the other two didn't start to though 14 months. But I burnt myself to a crisp both times thinking that I could work around their naps and you know, which is what I'm doing at the moment basically, but I'm only taking out a very light workload. But yeah, Paddy goes to childcare and roses at school. So that's how I make it work. I shoot like I've mentioned before, during the golden hour so often that's when Tom time so he'll have the kids then so nine times out of 10 I try and shoot when Tom's home and edit when they're napping or in care.

Yeah, yep. So you mentioned just then about it breaks your heart do you? Do you feel that sort of the psyche guild but that pool of Oh no, my child's going to talk here. So I can do what is that?

Yeah. Yeah. Yes, I know you've you talk a bit about guilt in lots of your episodes. I do feel guilty. It's not a guilt. I feel guilty because I know I don't know. I don't know if To give that a feel for sending him to childcare, because I don't have a choice. So I know that it's something that I have to do. And I want to do like, I think sometimes saying that we feel guilty is our way of making ourselves feel like we're a better mother because oh, we can't possibly do something for ourselves and then have this like, you know, does that make us a bad mum for wanting to go back to work or for wanting time for ourselves? Well, no, it doesn't. That's okay. We're people in our in our own right. We should have time separate from our children. Yeah, so it's more that I feel guilty. Because the other two got more time before they went to childcare, I think. But I know, again, putting myself first that I will fall apart if I try and do it all again, this time. So yeah, so lots of work on since the other two on what it means to be a good mum. And I don't know if you've read much into the good enough mother. There's a sociologist that I follow on Instagram, Dr. Sophie Brock, do you follow her?

No, haven't seen her.

Yet, br o CK.

Rodeo making? Yeah.

And she, her whole thesis is based on motherhood and what it means to be the ideal mother. Yeah. And basically, she breaks down. But that's really a myth that we are all good mothers and having time to ourselves. And you know, we all we're not the perfect mother. That's what she calls it. That it's that that perfect mother thing is this thing that we are constantly striving to be but it just doesn't work like that. No one's perfect. And yeah. You have to listen to her because I'm not very good at explaining it.

Oh, no, that's fine. Oh, definitely

does talk about that guilt, Mother guilt, and that it's a cycle. In she says that we need to shift our guilt to ambivalence, basically. And saying, you know, it's okay, that I that I want to go and do something for myself or be, you know, we need to have that time away creatively and, you know, whatever it might be that you want to do to perform better as parents. Yeah,

I couldn't agree more. That is honestly that's, that's awesome. I'm definitely gonna get on to that lady. Now.

She has a podcast too, actually.

Yeah cool. Because you've got your background in your psychology and social work as that. I don't want to say it's been easy because Nothing's ever easy. But is that been? You've been able to sort of understand it in a way that most other people probably couldn't? Because you do have that education and training? I guess, the motherhood guilt thing. Yeah. You're able to sort of quantify it a bit differently.

I think so I am still obsessed with learning. Anything psychology based. And neuro sciences like was one of my favorite things to work with. When I was working as a therapist. I think sometimes it can be hinderance as well, because I do read too much sometimes. And yeah, but then when, when I'm in one of those wraps, then I'll also be able to come back to Okay. Yeah. This is Paul to constantly be this perfect mother, I think and sometimes we know too much. And then we think oh, I've yelled at the kids too much today or you know, I'm not doing things how I should be doing them. That should yeah, we constantly throw in there. I should be doing this. I shouldn't be doing that. I shouldn't be doing this. Yeah, so I think there's positives because I feel well educated but also sometimes it's there is a thing about knowing too much. Yeah,

that sort of ties into the concept of identity about how you sort of see yourself as a person, I suppose. And you said before that, you know, we're people in our own right. Even though we're a mother, we're still our own person. Is that something really important to you?

It is, but it's taken me a long time to get to that point. After I had Rosie, I was very self sacrificial, and literally put everything and everyone before myself. And was doing that, again, after I had Patty as well. And probably I can, when he was about six months old, I just started to, I saw someone that's close to me, taking time for herself. And I remember initially thinking, how can she do that? Like, how can she go to the gym for like, an hour, every, however many days, whatever it was a week, I remember really thinking that that I couldn't understand. I just, I didn't judge it. But I could not understand how you could do that. And then I started doing it myself. And I was like, Oh, my God, I can't believe I wasn't doing this. I am a better mother for it. I'm, it just changed me as a person that changed me as a mother. And, of course, you can spend an hour a day, if that's what you choose to go and move your body and, you know, help yourself like, Yeah, it's funny how you can stand on the other side of the room and think something's impossible until you start doing it yourself. And then think, Oh, this is actually how you should be living. Yeah, yeah, I know, I'll notice if I haven't, because I like to try and go for a walk every day. And maybe this is perceived as a little bit self sacrificial, but I try and go before everyone wakes up. But um, but still, I know that there's a chance that they might not and it's something that I do for myself. And it just makes me such. Yeah. In such a good mindset. And, yeah. It has taken me a while to get there.

Yeah. Oh, good on you. Good on you for feeling that way. It's awesome.

Yeah. But of course, there's still guilt for everything else.

It's like a never ending thing, isn't it for? Yeah. But that's so true. Like we all whether you're a mother or father, or just in a relationship with our children, everybody needs to have something just for them. That separate, separate every thing else and everyone else, I think it's Sorry. It's so hard to do like you, you're hitting the nail on the head. They're like, it's, you're just, you can see other people do it. But you can't quite make sense of it, how it's going to maybe work for you or how you can let yourself do it, I suppose. Yeah. Yeah, yeah, definitely. No, yeah, he's so important. It's definitely a common theme. Like, we want to be able to do it, because we know it's important. But then it's like, or, you know, that all those little things target you to challenge you, I guess. And I find,

it's really great. I think as a mom, it's really great for the dad to have that time. Because I know that I mean, maybe not all moms do it. But we're very good at saying I'll, I'll do that that's okay. Or I will just, you know, and how do we let dads have a chance to, to parent if we're stepping in over the top all the time. So it does give them that space? I think which is nice. Yeah. One on One and

yeah, absolutely. It's like yeah, like that relationship for them is really important. You know for but yeah, it's for the child and the TED so yeah, absolutely yeah.

You're listening to the art of being a mom, my mom, I.

So you mentioned before you've got your husband as your support. Did you have any any other sort of role models? Maybe within your circle? photography industry of how to juggle it how to manage having the children and doing your work, or was it just something get through on your own.

I have had actually been meeting up with a psychologist since having George, I've had a couple of sessions. And she's helped me so much with this, because that was the reason for my referral. I was feeling overwhelmed. And I basically said, I have to it's teach me over having three. My ability to juggle everything like I was like, I don't know how to have to do the shopping, the washing the groceries, you know? Yeah. And fit in work and fit in me and fit in the time with the kids and you know, and not park them in front of the TV. Yeah, very overwhelming. Yeah, so she, she's been really, really great. And just having someone there to say it's okay for you to do something for you. Sometimes you just need to hear it from someone outside your circle, I think.

Yeah, that's so true.

Yeah. But yeah, one of my best mates is also a social worker. And she's a very strong advocate for for mums. And yeah, she's great to talk to about all of this stuff. I probably lean on her too much sometimes. On Instagram, Mama matters is her. Handle. Yes. You follow him? Yes, I

do. Yeah. Yeah.

Yeah. So she's up in the Gold Coast. Yeah, so she gets the occasional phone call or Mike. Oh, what have I done? I'm terrible mother. Oh. Yeah, she talks me down. She's like, too hard on yourself. Come on.

We need we do need that I don't we'd like someone just to sort of, to give us that confidence that it is okay. What we're feeling is normal, how we behave, it's normal. There's nothing wrong with what we're doing. You know, you just need that little bit of reassurance. And

you really do. Yeah. puts this thing up about once a week that says, like, you know, asks people to reply on her stories, and says, I'm still a good mom. And, and then you have to fill out the box. So it might be like, still a good mom. And my kids ate McDonald's for tea every night this weekend. Or, you know, and it shifts that, that feeling of guilt to ambivalence, and yeah, it's really wonderful. Yeah, to see it there, too. Like that they will be everyone's in the same boat. It just really normalizes. Yeah, that there is no golden mother, Mary, you know, whatever.

Yeah, but you know, yeah, not you. It's like, there's no, there's no, there's no one that's doing it. Absolutely. right all the time. And I made a mistake. And it's balancing everything in their life. Amazingly. I remember when someone in my home was the lady that ran our mother's group, when I had my first child, she says, You're not a real mom until your babies rolled off the bed. Excellent. Um, definitely a real it's just no one's able to come in, like, Oh, I did this. And I've done that. And she's like, that's fine. That's what happens you shoulda never gonna remember. And they're never going to be harmed by that. But yeah, we've got we're so worried about how to do things. And, and, and even when I had my first there wasn't a massive social media like Facebook was around, but it only sort of just started. So it wasn't being used constantly. And there certainly wasn't Instagram. And so I didn't have that sort of sense of judgment. But then when I had my second, it was like, Oh, my God, like, just coming at you from every angle. And you're just yeah, really hard to block that out. And I did unfollowing of countless weren't really helping and a lot of falling ones. And yeah, it's interesting. I

think the thing about social media is there has been that bounce back hasn't they're like, when it first sort of started getting bigger. You know, it would be this is the perfect body or this is the perfect x y Zed. And now there's, you know, lots of people saying well actually, you know, yeah, like this true and be beautiful, or you can No, no, no, the Yeah, you can pair it like this and or this is normal or this is okay. Yeah.

Yeah, absolutely. You've just mentioned something that just reminded me and I haven't asked you if it's okay to talk about this or not. So it's up to you if you want to, but you're involved in. I want to support a campaign or project. Oh, yeah, I'd be out I'm sort of, how would you word it? What's what's the best way to describe it? If you want to? Really? Yeah, yeah. body positivity? Yeah. Yeah. Share with us how you got involved and what you did for that?

Um, so Oh, actually, she wasn't I made a friend through doing. So, re Weatherall who also has a pod, well, she did have a podcast, it's not running anymore, she has another baby, as well. So she contacted me and said, I want to do something about you know, making women, you know, normalizing bodies. And, yeah, we sort of started talking and came up with this idea that I would, you know, photograph all types of women, whoever wanted to be involved, basically, and just sort of wanting to share that every single body is beautiful. And there's no ideal that we should be looking, you know, to, I mean, I do think that we should all try and be healthy, and we weren't sort of trying to promote. Yeah, it was more about look after yourself, and be happy with what you've got, you've got basically, I don't know how to,

like that sort of self acceptance that you don't have to wait to love yourself to, like the perfect size, or what you think the perfect size is, you know, and that you can still, you know, be working on improving your body and love it at the same time. You don't have to wait, you know, to reach. Yeah, that that was really amazing. There was so many local women involved. And they received an incredible response, didn't it? It was really deeply amazing. Yeah.

Yeah. And the girls who were in it, actually, I shouldn't say girls, one of the people who was in it doesn't identify as female. But all of the people that were involved in the shoot were just felt so liberated afterwards, and said that they just felt comfortable because only wearing their knickers. They just felt so comfortable. And if they just felt like that really celebrated their bodies, no one was standing there judging other people. It was just such an amazing energy. Yeah. And I think then outsiders were saying, you know, it was so amazing to see these people that they knew. Yeah, you don't see what's under people's clothes. Yeah. And to say there's a woman I follow, called birds, the birds of papaya or something. But she has this beautiful black. I don't know if if we call it beautiful, but her tummy postpartum tummy looks exactly like mine. And to see that, because through her clothes, and through Michael as you can't say that. It just makes you feel normal. And yeah, it's so nice to see that instead of this. Yeah. ripped body that people have to spend their entire life, you know, working towards and that's okay, if they want to do that. But that's not what everyone looks like.

Yeah. And that's the thing. Like, they're certainly I'd say in the minority of, like, certainly people that I know. So it's sort of nice to realize that it's okay to have stretch marks on your belly after you've had children.

Yeah, yeah. person I photographed who you know, is what people would idolize as you know, this perfect in what you call this inverted commas, body, but she's got lots of stretch marks and stuff, too. So you know, it's that. Yeah, there is no perfect buddy. Is there? Everybody's beautiful. That was Yeah, yep. Yes. Like enough of the sheet.

Yeah. So how did you find that personally taking the photos for them? Was that? Was that a really fun experience for you? Or was that challenging for you to try and pump them up and help them feel? Okay, or were they already feeling like that sort of

Jay came in feeling nervous. And once I took the boys off, everyone, yeah, it was really easy. It was just fun. Yeah. Really, really fun. Yeah. Yeah. That would have been nice. music pumping and we had a glass of champagne. And yeah, it was good.

Yeah. That's so wonderful. And you had a photo as well, didn't you? You did a photo. Yeah. So

we re and I photographed ourselves. And that was confronting, but also so liberating. Like I felt good. I felt good being able to share my normal buddy.

Yeah, yeah. Oh, I love that. There's a lady I follow on Instagram. I can't think of her name now. But she says she has this saying about how to get a Beachbody. Put your bathers on like, that's a lot of money. Like, we don't have to write like I was I was involved in the fitness industry for many years instructing and coaching and I got really caught up in the whole culture of it. And then and all of a sudden, I started to see it for what it was and had this massive change because like you say, It's okay to be healthy. But then it was to the extreme it was to the detriment of everything else in your life, basically. And whenever I hear people say, you know, oh, it's only six weeks till Christmas, so, yeah, it's gonna be we're gonna get our legs ready for summer. And I'm just like, you know, just so cross. Yeah. Yeah. And it was interesting for me, like upstairs was hardcore. Everyone was looking themselves in the mirror had the light is like Lauren Jane gear, it was all very full on. And then, after I had my second child, I was approached to go back and do Aqua aqua aerobics downstairs. And it was the best thing I ever did. Because I met Eric.

And I go grab me grab me. Otherwise, you'll just make that noise over your audio. Yeah. Go for it.

Elijah, we love it. Look at that smile. Yeah, I was just say when when I went downstairs and met real people with real bodies and real issues. It was wonderful for me, I made some amazing friends. And I looked at the fitness in a whole different way. It was like, fitness to be able to live your life not fitness to be prance around. And sorry, I'm being rude. But it was just it was such a game changer. I think everybody that that's hardcore fitness should go and do an AquaClass and just be around people who, if they don't do this AquaClass they won't be able to walk like they've got. So you know, yeah, just do you think that

was a really big mind shift for me when I did start because I was not in a good way. In my head. And physically. My health wasn't great. I wasn't looking after myself at all. And I started to eat better move my body. And my goal was just literally just to go for half an hour walk whatever pace I wanted, didn't have to flog myself sweating it out or jumping around or doing burpees like it was just, you know, getting back to the basics of how I should be looking after myself from the inside out. And that was the best thing it wasn't I need to look like, you know, I think that's terrible.

But yeah, yeah, it's not about you know, yeah. Didn't

need to look like Heidi Klum. I just needed to start looking at looking after my insides. And you know, if you are looking after yourself, doesn't matter what size you are. It does be mounted for you, doesn't it?

Oh, yeah. Absolutely. That's it very general. Like it comes from within like, it's like you can see people are a fired up from within. It's just agenda changes everything about your life. It's just so amazing.

So the whole family takes better.

Yeah, yeah, my kids are happier and

happier. And yeah, you should, you should put time aside for yourself because everyone benefits from it.

A lot of people believe and I added to that, once you're a mother, then you're complete. So there's this idea, this idea that becoming a mother will solve everything. But then once you become a mother, you don't feel like you're doing that job well enough all of the time. So therefore, you're not complete. And you have to keep this cycle of Yeah, that was just a thought that popped in.

Yeah, that's a really good point. It's like you think I'm gonna get married and have kids and then life will be amazing. And I won't have any problems anymore. It's like just yet. So new problems.

Yeah, yeah, exactly. Yeah. Yeah.

I once had a friend who thought that quitting her job, she hated her job. So her solution was to quit her job and have kids and that would make her happy. Ya know?

Yeah. Yeah. It's ideal that you're working towards this thing, and that's when you reach the top but it just keeps getting higher and higher. That point doesn't

keep shifting the way you thought it was. Yeah, that's it, isn't it? It's incredible.

You. I feel that when I've been pregnant or postpartum in the early stages of postpartum, it does affect me and my ability to be creative. I think you do get exhausted in pregnancy and in those initial postpartum phases. And I feel like I go back to doing the standard, which is still beautiful, and I still enjoy what I do, but my ideas don't flow. And there's like this block. That happens in my head. Yeah, yeah. I don't know if other artists, other artists feel that way as well.

Absolutely. Yeah. Because it's like, all of your energy is, goes towards keeping a child alive, basically, like you sort of yeah, you go to some sort of, what's the word? I'm thinking of? Like a primal, a primal behavior. And really, it stops the creativity part of your brain because you don't need that to keep a child alive. Yeah, you just need day to day action. So it's yeah, it's very, very common. Yeah,

you're there you go. Very, very. Yeah. And then I almost feel like this veil gets lifted. Yeah. And then, yeah, my ability to create and think of new ideas and try different things. And yeah, almost new ideas come and new inspiration comes because I've just been through that. Yeah, yeah. And I feel like that's where I'm at at the moment, which is exciting. Yeah.

It was a funny little chat. Not until I put myself first, you know, six months after Paddy was born, the part of the time, I feel like that's when my identity shifted from, I am a mother to I'm a mother, and I'm, you know, a photographer, and I'm someone who enjoys Pilates. And, yeah, it took me a long time to separate myself from just being a mom. And it was a really good place to get to. And then I think that helps to, maybe that is what aligns with that veil lifting postpartum, because you are separating yourself as from just being a mother. But, you know, it does have its merits with my work too, because I feel like I miss what I used to do before photography, like, you know, being a therapist, and I'm Miss having a newborn. So you know, getting to photograph newborn say I get to I feel like I get to have those really deep postpartum chats with mom sometimes and talk about breastfeeding because, you know, I'm very, like, pro a pro breastfeeding, I'm a pro. Trade is best, but I've been lucky to have been able to feed. So you know, giving mums advice if they want help with that, but then also being able to be creative. Like I feel like I'm very lucky that my job has led me you know, well, what I like to do creatively has become my job and I've been able to merge all those things in together.

Yeah, that's so cool. Like you actually, basically um, create relationships with your clients is slow. Yes. You're not going there clicking the button. It's actually yeah. You know.

Yeah. And I really think that's such an important part, you know, in? Well, I feel like that has a massive part in the success of my work because people feel comfortable with you. And you're going to get well, for my style of photography going to get those shots that you're looking for.

Yeah, people are just being themselves, they feel

that they can be themselves be at ease connect with the people that they love. Yeah, it's

good. Oh, that's good on. Yeah. A lot of work, and you're reaping the benefits of that. So well done. Yeah, that's good.

Yes. No. Do you feel very lucky? Yeah. There are a lot of times where I think what am I doing? Yeah. Yeah. Hence the psychologist that I mentioned.

Yeah. And, you know, that's something important to mention, too. I think like, I personally see my psychologist and keep on top of my mental health. And I think it's something that's really common and really important, and people don't need to be afraid to seek help. From outside.

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, it's a huge stigma. I think that if you, if you see a shrink, there must be something severely wrong with you. And well, it can just be a healthy part of, you know, keeping, you know, just like drinking enough water or whatever, you know. Yeah,

absolutely. It's either as part of a healthy lifestyle, looking after yourself mentally. You know, you're going for your walk. You know, healthy eating. It's just part of the whole holistic. Looking after. Yeah. Yeah. I think that stigma, I don't know if he's getting. He's getting less but definitely, as the generations roll through.

Yeah, yeah, definitely. Yeah. Yeah, yeah.

All right. Oh, let you go and have fun with that little man.

Yes, he's getting busy using

your intuitive, aren't you? Right? Is he on the move? Is he easy all over?

He's up rocking on his knees, but not moving at all. I really want to, you know, hope that he will have achieved before he starts childcare, I'd like him to be crawling,

no, darlin, God. And as time went on that to Trump is at the bottom. Want to ask you, if you've got anything coming up that you want to share? Like, I'm not sure if that's, you know, applicable? If you've got any projects, or you know, well,

we do have one, I think happening in the later stages of the we haven't met about it yet. But it's gonna be more directed at mental health. Yeah. And I'm really excited, I think because of my background as well. I'm not sure what it's going to look like yet, or anything like that. But yeah, well, that's it, you have to watch this space.

Oh, for sure. So you really do enjoy getting involved with other sort of like minded people in your community, there might not be photographers, but it's like, you'd like to collaborate and create. I do

that with people. But it's very hard to find that balance, too. Because it does take up a lot of time. And it's not paid work. You know, that's just creative work. So balancing, you know, taking on enough work to pay the bills, and then doing enough creatively and then having enough time as mom that you know, all the things we just talked about. Yeah, it's not an all the time thing. Yeah.

But it's you've got to have those those different outlets to I suppose to satisfy your creative you personally what you want to create as well. Like he wants to have a chat to you, don't ya? Thanks for your company today. If you've enjoyed this episode, I'd love you to consider leaving us a review, following or subscribing to the podcast, or even sharing it with a friend who you think might be interested. If you or someone you know would like to be a guest on the podcast, please get in touch with us via the link in the show. Noise I'll catch you again next week for another chat with an artistic mum


Mount Gambier SA 5290, Australia

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©2019 by Alison Newman

Alison Newman lives, works and plays on the Traditional Lands of the Boandik People and

acknowledges these First Nations people as the custodians of the Region.

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