Alison Newman is a singer and songwriter based in Mount Gambier, South Australia. She has developed a heartfelt, personal approach to her music. Her sound is deeply focused on storytelling, and her songs have a strong narrative component, which highlights the emotional link between the artist, and the songs she sings.
Alison's music strikes to the heart of her audience. She uses the power of music to transport the listener emotionally.
Alison has had a multitude of musical opportunities over the years, which has allowed her to grow and extend on her musicality - from small vocal ensembles to large choirs, duos and singing with many and varied musicians.
Alison was nominated for the South Australian Music Awards Folk Artist Peoples Choice Award in 2019, 2020 and 2021, making the Top 5 in 2019 and 2021. She won the South Australian State Final of Listen Up Music's 'The Songwriting Prize' for her original song Pieces of My Pain, and has her song performed live in Sydney in January 2022 for the national prize.
Her debut album of original music entitled "Heart Songs" was released in late July 2019. She has since released 3 stand alone singles, "Sunshine Sundays" in November 2019, "It's not Christmas without you", in December 2019 and "For the rest of my life" on Valentines Day 2020. Watch the film clip here. Alison has also released many remixes of songs from her Heart Songs album - Nadine using traditional Celtic instruments, acoustic piano mixes of My Angel , Strength in Numbers and Here with Us Tonight, and a dance floor remix of Kasper. ​
During the Covid19 lockdown of 2020 Alison shared her love of creating covers in her project circa aurora. She took well known songs and covered them in her own unique style. You can listen to them on all the streaming services.
Alison has just released the first track from her new album Wolf, which you can find more about here
She is also works with Aussie DJ and Producer LT Balkin on many collaborative tracks with the first track Smoke and Roses released in April 2021 . Alison has also done 3 songs with Russian/Egyptian DJ Babak Bazgosha.
Alison is an experienced wedding, events and venue performer.
Alison started singing as a child and never stopped! Her first performance was singing 'Silent Night' at the Reidy Park School assembly when she was 5 years old.
Throughout Primary School Alison was a prolific writer of poetry and stories, never hesitating to share her work or volunteer her services when a concert or fundraiser was being organised. She wrote and performed 2 songs, self accompanied at the piano, at a school concert in year 6. She had some incredibly supportive teachers during this time who encouraged her creativity, namely Geraldine Hinkley, Lyd Kostelnik and Heather Struthers.
Her earliest exposure to music came in many varied forms. At home mum played Boney M, ABBA and Olivia Newton John, her dad enjoyed country + western music such as Don Williams and Johnny Cash. Her Nana was fond of Scottish pipe bands and Dolly Parton. Her grandmother loved classical music and Alison enjoyed looking through her extensive vinyl album collection. Alison attributes this eclectic blend to the reason she loves just about all kinds of music to this day.
Her first formal singing lessons were brief, learning about the correct diaphragmatic breathing technique before having to quit due to other after school commitments such as horse riding, gymnastics and playing the organ. Alison fondly recalls the Sunday afternoon concerts that her and her sister Emma would put on for her parents, dressing in matching outfits with denim skirts, tights and leg warmers - dancing on the coffee table. Tennis racquets featured as guitars and hair spray cans as mics. The girls would often make videos singing to their favourite artists such as the Bangles, Belinda Carlisle, Morris Minor and the Majors and Bananarama - this was the early 90s remember!
After starting high school Alison auditioned to be a member of the Mayfair Singers - her sister Emma had been a founding member just a few weeks earlier. Alison recalls being a bit annoyed that she missed out on the Primary Schools Musical Festival experience, as this started after she had left Primary School. Peter Habib was pleased to have her along, and Alison enjoyed the experience of harmony singing, learning to sight read and the numerous performance opportunities that Mayfair gave her. She spent 20 years as a member, many of those as a leader and Committee Member. She also gained experience in small group singing, duos and trios, and very very large choirs during this time. Her love of harmony singing endured and she enjoys singing with her sister Emma to this day in their Em and Al duo.
After leaving Mayfair in 2004, Alison decided to take a step back from organised groups and 'do her own thing'. This lead to the creation of her solo brand and more work at weddings, parties and functions. Throughout this time her love of writing returned, and the 'Heart Songs' album idea was born. She also enjoys collaborating with her sister Emma, and Emma's husband John creating ambient/new age relaxation and meditation music called Alemjo
Alison is a mother of 2 boys Digby and Alex, and lives with her husband Ben and cat in Mount Gambier. She produces a podcast called The Art of Being A Mum and in her spare times loves playing Fortnite with her boys and chilling out at home.